I’m Uzay (pronounced ooze-eye), undergrad studying Math & CS, physics at MIT. I do theory of deep learning research, and am particularly interested in getting more insight into how reasoning/decision-making/world modeling is happening in these systems and what this can tell us about the structure of the world.

Interests: poetry/literature, writing, climbing, pure math, programming, mountains

Things I get up to:

Things I have affiliation to: Pika, Fabric, Emergent Ventures, France.

Links: twitter, github, goodreads.

Check out my blog - Here is some stuff I’ve written: on climbing, year review, beyond good and evil.

Or if you are curious a list of some things I’ve done (research/projects), like this paper or this knowledge management software.

I’d recommend my wiki if you want to get a deep dive into a lot of the things I’m interested in.

butterfly man in the night

Email: zef (at) mit (dot) edu