Interesting Podcasts for developers, designers and entrepreneurs

Podcasts can be fascinating, they are also sometimes very dull. I’ve listened to many on my daily commute and here are some of those that caught my interest the most or taught me new things about design, programming and entrepreneurship.

How I Built This with Guy Raz

This NPR podcast consists of interviews with experienced startup founders explaining their journey through the not-so-easy startup world. It’s not solely focused on tech, but more around how people built their business from the ground up. They have several tech episodes that I truly recommend:

Talk Python to me by Michael Kennedy

This show is a weekly podcast about Python that covers everything from its packages, frameworks and the people who built them. It interviews Python personalities and developers and is really helpful for Python developers whether you’re interested in web development, robotics or data science.

Design Details by Marshall Bock and Brian Lovin

This casual design podcast talks about all things design. This podcast manages to wrap up so many interesting topics in one episode. They interview fellow designers and also share cool shows, movies, video games and websites they found.

Their recent episode about designing a Dark Mode taught me a lot about how to make an enticing dark design.

To be continuous

to be continuous logo This software development podcast is hosted by the founder of CircleCI and LaunchDarkly. I enjoy it because of the casual camaraderie between the two hosts as they explore subjects like open source, startups and the current trends in the tech industry.

I loved their episode A Closer Look at Open Source Today that evoked the changes in the open source landscape and the difficulties for open source maintainers to support themselves.

Mixergy by Andrew Warner

Mixergy is an entrepreneurship podcast similar to “How I Built This” that interviews startup founders and interrogates them about their journey. I use the word “interrogate” because something that makes this podcast special is the way the host drills the guest with uncomfortable questions about their businesses and failures to better understand the roots of their success.

You should check out this episode with Shazam founder Philip InghelBrecht.

I hope you enjoy the podcasts and I’d love to hear about which ones you listen to and why you like them!